Monday, October 31, 2005

Quick Update

I know the posting has been thin this week, something I’ll remedy while I’m off on travel.  I did want to pass on a general, if rare, update on the patient from the “My money is on the Semi” post.  I heard that she never emerged from her coma, and is/was in a vegetative state.  The impact caused massive shearing force inside her head and caused what textbooks call “diffuse axonal damage”.  Who ever she was before the accident, she is no longer, and never will be again.  It seems we saved her life, but lost her.


At 1:31 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I read your entry about her and I think you're right. She is alive, yet still lifeless. I am hoping that she'll get better although I know that cannot happen. It's just sad that she is going to stay that way until she's taken off the machine.


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